Cheek Lift

Cheek Lift

Cheek lift, also known as a midface lift, improves signs of aging in the midface by repositioning sagging tissue, and where necessary re-draping sagging skin for a naturally more youthful cheek.

Cheek lift may be appropriate if you have loose or sagging skin that creates a malar bag or tear trough, or if your midface has lost natural height and fullness.

Generally outpatient, a midface lift is most commonly performed under general anaesthesia and may require an overnight stay if combined with other procedures.

Recovery depends on the extent of your midface lift, and any accompanying procedures. You may engage in light activity the day after your surgery; a return to more normal activity may take 1-2 weeks. Your appearance will gradually refine over the following 4-6 weeks.

Proper skincare and sun protection are essential during healing and to maintain your results.

Results can be long-term, turning back the clock on your appearance from 8 to 10 years. Nothing can fully prevent aging; natural aging will continue after your midface lift.

Cheek Lift at a Glance


1 session


General Anaesthesia


1-2 weeks


4-6 weeks


Not necessary

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Cheek Lift at a glance


One session


4-6 weeks


1-2 weeks


General Anaesthesia


Not necessary

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